
You can read all the wisdom here. But dont just read it but feel it within you. Also put them practically in your life to create profound changes & results in your life. Thank you. Namaste.

                                  Beauty Of Encouragement

 You have the ability to lift people's energy with your encouragement and the ability to dampen people's energy by criticizing them. If you find something in people to criticize, realize that this is the very area you could empower them in. If you catch yourself criticizing people, take the area you are criticizing them for and imagine them growing and evolving in that area.

                                              More Love
Every time you walk through the doorway into more love, into a new dimension of love, you will always bring to the surface that part of you which has not felt loved. You may transfer it to the other person, blame it on him or her for pulling away, or create a situation in which you could not love this person as much. But it is within you, it is you that creates the withdrawal.

                                             More Wisdom's
Imagine a gauge that reads from empty to full, indicating your reservoir of energy. Close your eyes for a moment, and see what the gauge on your reservoir of energy reads. Ask your soul to show you what you could do to fill up so you have more energy. What could you do with your time that would allow you to flourish and feel revitalized? Do you need more time alone? Recognize that when you take care of yourself, you offer others a gift--the present of a relaxed, revitalized, and energized self.

There are so many programs and beliefs in your culture about being a good and valuable person — such as making a lot of money, or being well known, or being quite spiritual and pious. All of these things can be good if they come from your soul and are part of your higher path. These things can be off your path if they you are doing them only to fulfill an image that comes from the ego or personality. Look at yourself right now and ask, if society had no images it held up and admired as being good or right, what would you do with your life? There has been an emphasis on outer productivity in your culture rather than on inner peace, joy, love, and compassion. There is a sense of TIME that pervades everything—accomplish this or that by the age of such and such or be considered a failure. There is a sense of pressure, that everything must be done fast. You have all the time you need.

Sometimes the greatest sense of joy can come from knowing you are not alone, that if you ask for guidance and assistance it will be there. If you are ready to link up with the universe you can have anything you want.