Creating Abundance
Manifesting abundance starts with being already contented with what you already have. However, contentment is not about being external gratification alone. True contentment comes from self acceptance. It is about loving yourself unconditionally. Hence, if you wish to manifest abundance, you need to work from within.
When you have true self love, you are continually tuned into joy. You radiate. You see beauty everywhere you go. Your external relationships are healthy. Others are attracted to your magnetic power. You also have adequate self esteem. You have every confidence and feel deserving of abundance. Manifesting abundance is easy when you are in joy and have a positive mindset.
While it is obvious to see the relationship between manifesting abundance and self love, not many people are aware of this. They are not aware that changing their external reality starts with working on the self. Mostly, people work on trying to fix other parties rather than themselves. They also believe that they can earn more money through working harder. However, this thinking puts them in a constant struggle.
So if you have tried a number of different ways and still not enjoying the successful life that you truly deserved, it is about time to start doing things differently. Begin by starting with the self.
Now how do you start loving yourself? Well, it may be a lot harder than you think. In the first place, try racking your brains. Think back into your childhood. Did anyone actually taught you how to nurture and forgive yourself? Probably none. Most certainly, it is not wise to learn from those with issues on self love themselves.
The first thing you need to do is to make a conscious decision. A conscious decision is a firm statement that you are deserving of love for yourself. Without a commitment, you will find yourself relapsing to your old patterns of belief and non self-acceptance. You find yourself going in cycles with no clear direction. With a conscious vision, you will be guided on what other decisions to make and what becomes a priority. Once you make this decision you are now taking responsibility for the outcomes that you will encounter in your life. And so it is that you desire for a fulfilling and happy life.
To love yourself is also to understand what makes you unique. Learn to love yourself for all the positive things that you see within you. For what appears to be weaknesses or flaws, accept yourself anyway. Understand that since nobody is perfect, you should not judge yourself too harshly. However, do not let your weaknesses be excuses not to improve on them. Instead, be gentle to yourself despite your shortcomings and since you love yourself you will strive to correct them.
With self love, you have every trust in yourself. You have confidence and beliefs in your talents and skills. Positive beliefs are very necessary ingredients for success. If you do not believe in yourself, then why should anyone else? When you have a abundant mindset, you draw more opportunities, people and resources to you. You have an infinite supply of ideas, which can help you with manifesting abundance as well!
On Abundance
When it is abundance you choose to create in your life, do not be so specific with it, but rather breathe in abundance, and understand that it is not coming from the outside. It is coming from within you. When you breathe it in you are allowing this awakening divinity, this Christ consciousness (New Consciousness) within, to now come from the outer realms of who you are into your very being. You allow it to manifest in your life. When you are paying your bills, breathe in abundance. Breathe in abundance. When your body aches and hurts and is in disease, dear friends, breathe in, breathe deeply, breathe in biological balance.
Spiritual abundance cannot be figured out with a plan from your mind. Abundance comes when you sit with yourself, when you acknowledge your divinity, when you open up and realize that everything is complete in the moment. When you stay in the moment, it is filled with abundance. The abundance… it will be there. It is the result of living. Abundance is the result of expressing yourself in each moment of time. It will be there. If your focus is on abundance, it will elude you. You will always be trying to have abundance, or trying to have happiness, or trying to have health. You will always be trying and never being, never realizing.
You wonder why you don't have abundance in your life. It is because you're not choosing life; therefore, abundance can't come in. Abundance is there for those who choose life because it supports your desire to live. Some of you wonder why there isn't a relationship in your life. If there was a relationship to come in, it would be one that matches your indecision about life. You can both die together then, slowly rot away (audience laughter). When you choose life, a corresponding relationship will come in. It will be another who chooses life… who wants to live… who wants to enjoy and experience… who doesn't judge everything as right or wrong… who doesn't wonder why their life seems to be falling apart.
You find that you are happier with yourself right now without the abundance. This is your choosing… not ours. You desire the abundance, but you know that it doesn't bring the happiness, so you've cut it off from yourself. The question to you now is, "Can you allow the abundance in and stay in a place of balance with yourself? Can you have abundance and have happiness?" Now, we are not just talking about the happiness of being able to pay your bills or taking vacations, but the true happiness.
And, we are going to use this opportunity with your question to also encourage Shaumbra to join your resources together. It is very difficult at times to - how to say - work in an Old Energy situation and have this flow of abundance come in because you are working against - or with - so many Old Energy belief systems. As Shaumbra works with Shaumbra, and you explore New potentials and opportunities, you are going to find out first that you have so many more talents than you thought you did that you don't have to be working for somebody else. That is a very key point - that you can be creating your own grand potential. As long as you are working for others, it is difficult to truly receive the amount of abundance that you are entitled to.
You are like a magnet, but a magnet that works different than your physical magnets on Earth, for the opposites attract in your magnets on Earth. But, with the type of magnet that you are the likenesses attract. If you feel disempowered, disempowered things will come to respond to you. You will be surrounded by disempowered people, or people who use their power to take yours away. You are asking for it. Like responds to like. If there is a lack of abundance in your life, it is because you are feeling that you are not worthy. You are energizing yourself, or spiritually magnetizing yourself, and you bring it into your life. Everything around you and everything in your life is a direct literal response to who you are. It is not being inflicted on you. You are bringing it in. You are manifesting it. That is how strong and powerful a Creator that you are.
Abundance is strictly a set of belief systems. Abundance in your own life is also about allowing yourself to have it in. It's about stepping out of your limitations, as Adamus said today. Some of you think that because you are spiritual that alone will bring the abundance in. You have to understand that it still - how to say - takes a type of energy moving on your part. As we told a group a number of years ago, abundance begins when you begin. Abundance is sitting there waiting for you in your life. You don't have to work in the Old Energy way to achieve it. As a matter of fact, it's really quite simple. It is waiting for you right now.
But, now we put the question back on you - What do you want to do? What do you want to… how do you want to move energy to have energy then come and move back with you? That is how abundance works. When you begin a process, everything around you responds accordingly. So, we are going to ask you to begin anything… to do anything… not feel trapped or stuck anymore… but to begin any movement… and to understand that even if it is not - how to say - the correct movement, you will adjust and correct yourself accordingly. There is absolutely nothing that is limiting abundance from coming into your life. It is there. It is ready for you.
More Insights
Debt is as much of an illusion as anything else but it tends to be very real and sometimes very emotional and painful and it takes your energy out of you. You can get out of your mind, beyond the ways you think of making money, of having a regular job or these type of things, and you can find an abundance flow very easily if you are in your passion. If you have developed the relationship with your Self, then all of these things come easily and naturally. You don't have to worry about them.
The abundance is there. This is a universal principle. It's the law of attraction. It's something that Abraham talks about quite a bit. If you're interested in more information about this natural law of attraction, this is one of the areas that Abraham is focused on with their teachings. When you are in your passion, when you are listening and not compromising your Self, the abundance is there. It takes care of all of this debt.
In a sense you could say that debt is also a symbol of the extent of how much you're also holding onto past life karma, past life incidences. The debt, you think in terms of money, but it is actually indebted energy that you're still holding onto. So we want you to take a look: What are you still holding onto? Guilt? Shame? Fear? All of these things that you brought with you into the Now. They don't serve you anymore. It's time to let them go.
Actually, abundance is just an attitude, as is mastery, as are your dreams. You start walking those dreams, being in those dreams. Not keeping them out there, but just being in them right here. It's a very natural, spiritual, universal principle. If you act it, you are it. It's that simple. And then realize you can start acting anything you want. You can start acting healthy, strong. You can start acting clear, like you really know what you want. You can start acting, and you realize you can change the act whenever you want. Every day can be a new act. That is the joy of freedom! Anything you want – It's very, very real.
Abundance is about receiving energies that are free, natural and yours. It's that simple. It's that simple. It's directly related to your desire to live – your choice to live, your passion to live – and they're very, very simple things. In this whole thing with the studio, the Connection Center, you put it out there; some of you would call put it out to the universe. I never understood what that meant, because the universe is kind of just a big nothing. Put it out there to the universe – put it out there to the I Am, yourself. Step back. Let it fill your bank account, your health account, your whatever account. Just let it do it. Don't restrict it. Don't manage it. Don't stress on it. Just watch how it flows. It's that simple. That was the first session, the first lesson in the abundance thing.
If you simply say, “I Am that I Am. I choose abundance,” and then step out of your way, let it roll in. And then don't go through the mental torture of asking how it got there, why it got there, what you're supposed to do with it, anything like that, or if you're supposed be extra nice now because you received it. (some giggles) You just allow it. You just allow it to come in. It's that simple.
- By Tobias And Adamus Saint Germain Channeled Through Geoffrey Hoppe Of Crimson Circle.
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What is Attitude? Why is it Important?
What is attitude? You can choose your attitude, change your attitude, or ignore your attitude, but first let's talk about what defines one...Attitudes are the views of a person whether positive or negative.
I'm sure you've heard someone say, "Gosh, does he have an attitude" or "Wow, what a chip on her shoulder!"
But really what are you saying? Is that person really walking around with a "chip" precariously perched on her shoulder?
No, but everyone knows you're talking about her attitude.
So what is attitude? What is that chip?
Or perhaps you know someone who "always has a great attitude." That person is always "chipper" (funny how chip and chipper can mean opposites, huh?)
Issues that make us locked up and afraid...
Or perhaps grieving.
Our physical bodies play a huge part in our mood, which is sometimes used synonimously with attitude when we're answering the question, "What is attitude?"
Attitudes are learned behaviors...
"Oh, she acts just like her mom."
Yes, she learned how to act from her mother...
She learned her attitude from her mother's behaviors...
So did attitude come first or did behavior?
Did her mom's "behavior" cause her mom's "attitude"...
Or did her mom's "attitude" [which caused her behavior] affect her daughter's attitude?
Stay with me a few minutes, I'm onto something here...
This brings up an interesting question, "What comes first, behavior or attitude?"
If our attitudes can come from:
1) Our physical well being (hormonal fluctuations, diet, etc.)
2) Environment (learning how to act from our parents)
3) Suppressed anger, grief, fears
Which comes first?
For example, when you haven't eaten correctly (behavior), your attitude can become grouchy - therefore causing your behavior to be "grouchy? (causing a vicious cycle?)
The two are interlinked quite a bit I'd say.
So let's say you've learned an "attitude" from your mom. Now it's become a habit...
Attitudes are habits...
We repeat them over and over again....
Lots of times unconsciously. We let our bodies stay "stuck in a rut" so we mentally stay "stuck in a rut."
Repeating again, and again, and again, and again...
Attitudes are perceptions...
It's the way you view something.
You could be in a great mood, and then, suddenly come across someone or something that puts you in a "bad" mood (or attitude.)
That's simply because of your "perception" of that object or person.
Attitudes are judgments...
Which is very similar to "perceptions" above, but slightly different in that they're more "rigid." A perception can sometimes be changed easier than a judgment.
What is
The importance of attitude cannot be underestimated...
Attitude is everything...
Attitude is more important than skill...
For example, at work, a co-worker may be "the best" in his/her field, but if you can't get along with that person...
If he/she has "an attitude..."
What usually happens? If the boss gets offended enough, that person gets tossed out the door, right?
But what if someone is really trying hard, has a great "attitude," but absolutely no skill at the task?
Usually, he/she will be given a few second or third tries before giving up.
Attitude is more important than reality...
You could be in a really bad situation, but if you react in a negative way to that situation, what happens?
The situation usually becomes worse.
What if you react positively? Well, the situation may still be insurmountable, but at least you'll be more stable and better able to handle it as you move through it.
And, according to the Law of Attraction, if you can hold onto a great attitude while you go through your present "reality," you'll be forming your next reality that's coming down the pipeline.
What is
When we're answering the question, "What is attitude?" our discussion wouldn't be complete without comparing the two attitudes of positive and negative and the benefits/consequences of each.
A negative perspective will make everything in your life much harder if you are filled with it...
Things don't go right and you spiral down...
Which creates more spiral down.
Which sounds too depressing to keep talking about...
Developing a positive attitude means thinking positively about all the situations in your life.
The benefits of a positive attitude are many and overlap into every part of your relationships, health, happiness, success and overall make life way more fulfilling and happy as a whole.
Having a positive attitude is a very important aspect in your life. You can do it regardless of the problems in your life.
Positive attitude helps you cope better with the daily "grind" of life. You just don't let it bother you. Or in other words, you choose your attitude...
You have the power to change your attitude at any given moment.
Life becomes easier, once you've combined positive thinking and attitude and...
Adopted the attitude of "I'm in charge and I'm staying happy" as a way of life.
This brings constructive changes to your life, and makes you brighter, happier and more successful...
And is key to staying positive.
Having a positive attitude in whatever you do will make things more enjoyable and much easier.
So, now that we've discussed:
What is Attitude?
The Importance of Attitude, and
Positive and Negative Attitudes
I'd like to leave you with a couple of thoughts:
What is your attitude?
How can you move your attitude toward habitually becoming more and more positive?
Answer : One great way to change your attitude is Changing your belief or thought or
patterns into conscious statements (Choices).
More About Abundance Mindset (Abundant Attitude)
As the famous quote suggests: "The secret to having it all is believing you already do".
Here are the 7 main differences between those with a scarcity mindset vs an abundance mindset.
1. Thinking Big vs Thinking Small
Those with an abundant mindset
are renowned for thinking big, it is part of their DNA. Scarcity
mindset creates limitations in the mind which prevents the creation of
audacious visions.
2. Plenty vs Lack
with an abundant mentality believe there is plenty of everything in the
world from resources, love, relationships, wealth and opportunities.
They believe they can afford what they want in life and say exactly that
: 'I can afford that...'
with a lack mentality prefer to believe that there is limited
opportunities, resources, relationships, love and wealth. They
consistently say: 'I cannot afford that...'. Saying that statement every day reinforces the belief and forms that exact pattern in the life as reality.
As Tony Robbins explains: 'You never get beyond scarcity, you have to start beyond it'.
3. Happiness vs Resentment
with an abundant mentality is an optimist and is genuinely happy for
others when they achieve success. Conversely, those with a scarcity
mindset are competitive and resent other's success.
4. Embracing Change vs Fear Of Change
person with an abundant mindset understands that change is an integral
part of life, They embrace and accept change. Appreciating the fact that
change often leads to more positive outcomes, even if change is
somewhat challenging or difficult to navigate.
plagues those with a scarcity mindset. They will spend time constantly
complaining along about change and take a longer period of time to
accept change.
5. Proactive vs Reactive
Due to the positive attitude of those with an abundant mindset, they take a pro-active approach to life. Rather
than waiting for things to happen and then reacting like those with a
scarcity mindset do, they strategically plan for the future and create
strategies for the long-term.
6. Learning vs Knowing It All
abundance mentality craves learning and growth. They have a never
ending thirst for knowledge and developing new skills whereas scarcity
mindset believe they know everything thereby severely limiting their
learning and growth.
7. What Is Working vs What Is Not Working
A person with a scarcity mindset selects negative thoughts and adopts a victim mentality.
strong emotions they experience on a daily basis creates stress in the
body with the range of emotions shifting from anxiety, fear, worry,
anger and resentment. Their negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs
create illnesses in the body leading to general poor health. Their daily
focus is on 'What is not working'.
Those with
an abundance mindset are often visionaries and see the limitless
possibilities in the world. Their focus in daily life is on 'What is working'.
path you have traveled thus far is not set in stone, such is the beauty
of life you can change. Deciding to change paths is the first step.
is short, live large, believe in the endless possibilities life has to
offer and choose to live an abundant life creating memorable moments you
can cherish forever.
Few Quotes
Few Quotes
To Learn More About Abundance And To Get Out From Abundance Issues,
Watch These Videos Below.
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